If your wondering why I don't post much on NG, I simply do not have much completed work, I might start uploading audio loops at some point, since they are easier to make, effort? what?
I don't care to submit incomplete work here as this audience is just too f***ing massive for that, and I don't care for the type of "critique" this place offers, little ignorant/immature kids using netspeak and txting shorthand to tell me what to do with my own work? F.U. no thanks.
Anyway, if you ABSOLUTELY MUST you can listen to my incomplete audio vomit over on my FA profile, its an adult website so for your own sake, don't go there while your at work or something, you might catch crap from your boss for being online anyway. Its also a furry site so consider yourself warned, so in other words NO BITCHING!
Stay on my page and you should be fine, I don't post any PRAWNZ :P